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A busy gal, im trying to discover ways in which i can live healthy ...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The BUSY lifestyle: effective stress relief

Be it young or middle aged, we live in a time when maintaining your career or home (or both) is a struggle and a juggle! Being busy has become a rule rather exception. Working hard is rewarding but also compromises other areas in your life, like health, leisure, social life and even love life :(   
The result is fatigue, anxiety and  chronic stress (its a medical condition, by the way, that leaves u depressed lethargic and in physical pain).

So taking a brief break every now and then, is well justified (hence guilt free)  and will make all the difference and it doesnt have to take time at all.

Here are a few stress relieving tips for all the busy gurls:

A quick stress relief during the day: Sometimes when ur mind gets jammed with thoughts, u need to clear it out, reset, then start afresh and resume ur job with a more relaxed attitude..
Mind travel: First u need to tell urself to relaaaax, its not the end of the world!  Then go to a nice quiet place, with a beautiful view, if u can, and let your mind wonder to a beautiful place (i call it mind travel) just breathe slow and imagine yourself in the most beautiful exotic location on earth and enjoy the tour.. smiling while u do.
Music: can be another option. Its been scientifically proven to alleviate depression, anxiety, even physical pain! So tune into your favorite radio station for a 5 min break and listen to the kinda music/ songs u like..hey it can even be a fast paced song to get u to relax. No rules. Just what ever makes u happy :)

Other lifestyle changes to adapt to stress..

Sleep: minimum of 6 continuous hours. Most importantly is to clear your mind and remove every task or chore out of your head! This is a time to relax..ur not gonna do these things now.. just enjoy the fact that ur in bed and will finally get to sleep after a long day ..smile..Good night :)

Diet: What you eat has an astounding influence on your energy level and even your mood.
 Vitamin deficiency, like B vitamins, can lead to fatigue. Even certain minerals are required to keep u energetic, like iron, calcium, iodine and zinc..
Too much simple sugars (sucrose) can give u a sugar 'high' then gets u crashing down fast, leaving u fatigued.
So include a lot of vegetables and fruits during the day and fibres (to clean you digestive tract from toxins)
Green tea, white tea and fruit juice detoxify your body, leaving you energetic.
And finally...my favourite, the 'feel good' foods: The chemicals known as endorphins and serotonin (happy hormone) leaves u feeling uplifted and euphoric. Its produced naturally in the body, but why waut till its produced! these foods contain them naturally:  Chocolate (dark), cocoa, oily fish (sardines and salmon), cheese, bananas, pineapples, turkey, dairy food, complex carbohydrates( potatoes, rice, pasta),nuts (almonds, peanuts,almonds), spicy food!

There are ways to stimulate your body's own endorphins and serotonin  :
Laughing: laughter is the best medicine! A comedy movie, a good joke..
Excercise: no wonder athletes get addicted to their sport. Also called the 'runner's high' Strenuous excercise makes the endorphins come out!
Music ( as mentioned above)
Sunshine: plenty of sunshine makes you happy! Thats why ppl get the winter blues in regions where it snows.
Healthy sex life (for the married gurls ;-) )
Eating something sweet: sweet things like dates, honey, chocolate, even candy but dont over indulge, remeber , u wanna keep healthy.

And an extra bonus; endorphins are anti aging!

Why not include a 'Serotonin diet' in your lifestyle! Read more: Serotonin diet    Serotonin diet recipes

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